
Feedback and Complaint Process 国际学生反馈/投诉程序
发布时间:2019-07-25来源: 作者:IEC


1. 国际学生到东风路校区图书馆大楼7楼721室填写提交反馈/投诉申请表

2. 国际学生直接电子邮件发送至ieccenter@gdut.edu.cn。邮件需注明护照姓名,国籍,护照号码,学号,专业,联系电话及反馈/投诉具体事宜。




1. 如国际学生对处理结果不满意,可以预约国际交流学院负责人。学生请直接到东风路校区图书馆大楼7楼721室填写预约申请表

2. 国际学生事务办公室告知国际学生预约时间、地点。

3. 约见负责人后,反馈/投诉问题的后续处理结果将在10天内告知国际学生,请留意接收我们的来电或电子邮件。


1. 所有提供的信息必须据其了解真实有效。

2. 学生在整个过程中需善意行事。

3. 出于回应反馈/投诉需要,学生需理解相关细节信息可能会被共享。





地址:中国广州市越秀区东风东路729号广东工业大学 (510090)

International Student Feedback and Complaint Process

I How to Feedback or Complaint

1. Fill out a Feedback and Complaint Form from International Student Affairs Office and report in person at our office.

2. Submit a Feedback and Complaint Form by email to ieccenter@gdut.edu.cn. Include the passport name, nationality, passport number, student number, major, contact information and the detailed description.

II Feedback and Complaint Response

International student will receive a response within 15 days of submission. Please kindly pay attention to the phone call or email for our response.

III Appointment with the Dean

1. If the international student is not satisfied with the response, he or she may visit the International Student Affairs Office in person and make an appointment with the Dean of IEC.

2. International Student will be inform of the appointment time and place.

3. Any subsequent issues will be forwarded to international student in 10 days after meeting with the Dean.

Note: In submitting the complaint, the international student should confirm that:

1. All the information provided should be true and correct to the best of the student's knowledge.

2. Student will act in good faith throughout the Feedback and Complaint process.

3. Student must understand that details of feedback and complaint may be shared with others to enable response.

International Student Affairs Office

Tel.: 0086-20-37626172

Email: ieccenter@gdut.edu.cn

Office: Room 721,Library Building,Dongfeng Campus,International Exchange College,GDUT

Add: No.729 Dongfengdong Road,Yuexiu District,Guangzhou,P.R.China

Appointment Form 预约表

Feedback and Complaint Form 反馈投诉处理表
