The GDUT Sports meeting kicked off at 9:00 am on 6 December 2019.
On behalf of nearly 400 international students who come from around 60 countries,including Russia,Poland,Kyrghizstan,Yemen,Tajikistan,Kazakhstan,Turkmenistan,Iran,Jordan,Indonesia,Columbia,Cameroon,Cote d'lvoire,Guinea,Mali,Congo-Kinshasa,Senegal,etc.,nearly 70 international students getting involved in the parade and competition.

They participated in the competition as ONE TEAM for the FIRST time in the university Sports Meeting.They walked firmly and forcefully,the warm applause had approved how wonderful their formation.Though they come from different countries with different skin colors,and speak in different tongues, their confidence eyes and attractive leap made all the audience burst into cheers, and their confidence and passion diffuse without borders.
International Education Center
10 December 2019