Notice on Visa Polices during the epidemic period
All International Students,
According to the latest policies by PRC's Exit-Entry Administration authorities (EEA),the following measures of Visa and Resident Permit for International Students are taken during the period of Epidemic Prevention and Control:
1. 目前在中国境内的国际学生,因疫情原因推迟开学时间,造成无法按期办理签证证件延期的可视情从轻、减轻或免予处罚,在正式开学后正常办理签证证件延期手续。
I International students who are currently staying in mainland China and unable to extend their visas due to the delayed opening of Spring Semester of 2019-2020 academic year shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment,and the relevant visa extension procedures will be arranged after the Spring Semester begins.
2. 在中国境外的国际学生因疫情原因不能在学习居留许可到期前入境办理延期手续的,可在开学后办理普通签证(如L或Q2签证)入境,届时凭学校的证明函件直接换发学习居留许可,不需再次提交JW202表和体检报告。
II International students who are currently outside mainland China and cannot return to school before their current Residence Permit (Study) expired, are suggested to apply for regular visas (eg. L visa, Q2 visa) to enter mainland China. Furthermore, with school’s authentic documents, international students will be granted Residence Permits (Study) directly without JW 202 form and medical check-up report required.
You can click here to follow latest Q&A released by NIA (English Version). 点击此链接可以查询中国国家移民管理局关于疫情防控期间移民与出入境管理工作问题解答(中文版)。
We fully understand your concern about the novel coronavirus outbreak,the Chinese government has taken extraordinary steps to prevent and contain the epidemic and WHO stressed that it does not recommend limiting trade and travel. 我们非常理解您对现在疫情的关切,中国政府已经全力以赴做好疫情防控工作,世界卫生组织也强调不建议限制贸易和旅行。
In the last several weeks,you must have received messages and phone calls from your head teacher or International Student Affairs Office,inquiring about your whereabouts and health conditions.Your prompt reply is the best support for us. 在过去几周,相信你们也持续收到来自班主任老师和国际学生事务办公室的信息和电话,关心了解你们的去向和健康状况,你们的及时回复和反馈是对我们工作的最大支持。
We just want you to know, your safety and health has always been our top priority,and again we would like to remind you the following tips: 我们仅想让你们知道,你们在华学习的安全和健康一直是我们的最先考虑。我们再次温馨提醒如下:
I Follow our official website for latest notices on the specific starting date of Semester Spring 2020, DO NOT return to school without notification or approval. 及时关注我们的最新通知,了解2020春季学期开学相关安排;未经通知和同意,不要返回学校。
II Practice proper personal Hygiene and stay healthy during the epidemic prevention and control. 在疫情防控期间,尤其要注意个人卫生和健康。
III Keep close contact with your head teacher and International Student Affairs Office, promptly inform us your travel itinerary and whereabouts,cooperate actively when health check required. 和班主任老师、国际学生事务办公室保持联系,及时告知你的去向和旅行计划;需要时,主动配合做好身体检查。
We will try our best to facilitate the visa application and extension for all our international student. 我们将全力以赴为全体国际学生做好相关签证的安排工作。
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Emergency Contact 紧急情况联系人
Mr Zhang Ge 张戈老师
International Education Center
1 February 2020