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Notice on Int'l Student Dormitory Upgrading (Updated June 2024)
Published:21 May 2024 Source: Author:IEC

Dear students,

In order to create a better living environment for international students, the college decided to renovate the int'l student dormitory in this coming summer holiday.Please be prepared to clean up your rooms, pack your personal belongings, move out of the dormitory, and return your keys on time no later than June 30, 2024 (Sunday).

An in-person meeting will be held to provide related information and answer questions about this issue in Library Multi-function Hall from 14:00 pm to 15:00 pm on 23 May 2024.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

International Exchange College

21 May 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: 我的大件物品(例如:洗衣机、冰箱)可以保留并存放吗?Can I store my large items on campus? (e.g., washing machine, refrigerator)?


Due to the unpredictable renovation period and the demands on re-applying for on-campus accommodation after upgrading, it is recommended to leave your dorm with all belongings. If necessary , you may request to ask for storing large items (washing machines and refrigerators), these can be offered a space to store in the Multi-function Hall, where is on the 12th floor of Building 4. During the moving process, IEC will provide a truck to help transportation, but you need to move them downstairs and load, unload and move them upstairs to the Multi-function Hall by yourselves. We would like to know the number of washing machines and refrigerators in each room in advance. Please note: Only large items such as washing machines and refrigerators can be stored. Personal luggage, such as clothing, heaters are not kept by the school .

Q2: 宿舍改造升级完成后,我是否可以住回原来的宿舍?After the dormitory renovation completed, can I move back to my previous room?

A2: 需要重新申请后等待学校安排入住,原来的宿舍房源分配不会被保留,新宿舍可优先安排。You need to re-apply for on-campus accommodation and waiting for the new arrangements, the previous room will not kept for anyone.We will give priority to those who live on-campus concerning new dormitory.

Q3: 多交的住宿费怎么处理?What about the overpaid accommodation fee?

例如:我此前已经交了6个多月的住宿费 For example,I have paid accommodation fees for more than 6 months previously. What should I do with this payment?

A3: 可以在同学们搬出去当天,到8栋1楼办理退住宿费和押金手续。住宿费退款将从您退房之日起计算。注意:退费当天无法到账,具体到账时间请以银行账户收到退费时间为准。

You can go to the 1st floor of Block 8 Student Dormitory before you move out to apply for the refund of accommodation fees and deposit. The refund of accommodation fees will counted from the date when you check-out. Note: The payment cannot be received on the same day when you asking for the refund. Please refer to the time when the bank account receives the refund.

Q4: 我的考试/课程在6月30日之后结束,我可否在考完试/结课后再搬离宿舍?I have final exams/courses that will end after June 30, can I move out of the dormitory after the final exams/courses ?

A4: 原则上6月30日前要搬离宿舍。若6月30日前还没考完试,请最迟不晚于学校教学日历规定的放假时间7月5日(星期五)前搬离。

In principle, you are required to move out from the dormitory before 30 June, 2024 (Sunday), if you have final exams or courses after that day, please move out from the dormitory no later than July 5, 2024 (Friday), according to 2024 GDUT Academic Calender, summer break will begin on that day.

Q5: 学校是否有校外租房的推荐?Any recommendations for off-campus accommodations?

A5:学校不干涉学生校外住房,但根据出入境相关规定,请不要租住酒店,不能在广州市外租房。校外住宿的,需履行报备程序。严格遵守中国的法律法规,到达住地(宾馆除外)后的24小时内到当地派出所办理住宿登记 School does not interfere with students' off-campus housing, but according to the relevant regulations by GZ immigration, please do NOT rent in hotels, and you can NOT rent outside Guangzhou city (such as Foshan, Shenzhen, Zhongshan are not acceptable).

Notes: International students who need to dwell off campus must submit application for off-campus dwelling to school and obtain the consent from the school. Off-campus dwelling international students must abide by Chinese law and regulations, register your accommodation at the local police station within 24 hours of your arrival.

Updated June 2024

Temperory On-campus Accommodation for Int'l Students