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Ministry of Public Security issues holiday travel advisory
Published:3 May 2024 Source:GDToday Author:IEC

This year's May Day Holiday falls on May 1 to May 5. During this time, both passenger and freight traffic will significantly increase, leading to heightened risks in road traffic safety.

The Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China has issued a traffic safety warning, based on the characteristics of traffic accidents during the May Day holiday in recent years.

According to the assessment, there are several prominent risks to road traffic safety during this year's May Day holiday:

1. Strong travel demands may lead to significant risks in passenger transportation safety. With increased inter-provincial and inter-city travel for tourism and family visits during the holiday, it is expected that the demand for highway passenger transportation, tourism transportation, and rental charter services will notably increase. The safety risks associated with personalized travel such as reserved rental passenger transportation and self-driving rentals should not be underestimated.

2. The continuous growth in logistics demand increased the risk of truck accidents. Factors such as driver fatigue, overloading, and over-speeding are prominent, exacerbated by the mixed flow of passenger and freight vehicles on roads during holiday periods, leading to an increased likelihood of collisions.

3. More holiday gatherings means heightened risk of drink-driving incidents. With more people engaging in leisure activities and social gatherings during holidays, there is a greater prevalence of drunk driving accidents. Statistics indicate that over the past three years, the average daily death toll from drink-driving accidents during the May Day holiday was 19.4 percent higher than on regular days. Moreover, the transition between seasons, particularly from spring to summer, makes drivers more susceptible to fatigue, thereby amplifying the risks associated with tired driving.

4. Southern regions should expect increased rainy weather and associated travel risks. According to the forecast from China's National Meteorological Center, the May Day Holiday is expected to see an increase in both temperature and precipitation. Regions such as south of the Yangtze River and South China, as well as the Sichuan Basin and eastern parts of Guizhou, will have increased levels of rainfall, which may lead to accidents like rollover, rear-end, and multiple vehicle collisions to be more frequent.

The Ministry of Public Safety recommends the following:

All traveling personnel should adhere to the information and recommendations on public transportation published and issued by relevant agencies, accommodate travel plans accordingly, and refrain from driving under the influence, aggressive driving, driving without due care and attention, and other similar unlawful driving behavior.

When traveling by public transportation, it is essential to visit the passenger terminal and select a legitimate and authorized vehicle. Avoid taking unlicensed taxis that solicit passengers outside the terminal, engage in illegal operations, or overload passengers. It is crucial for all passengers to wear their seat belts throughout the journey.

When driving on the highway, maintaining a safe distance and safe speed is crucial. During rainy weather or night time, reduce your speed and minimize lane changes and overtaking. If you miss an exit on the highway, proceed to the next one and make a detour. Actions such as sudden braking, continuously changing lanes, reversing, or driving against the traffic are strictly prohibited. In case of traffic congestion, refrain from weaving through lanes or occupying emergency lanes. If a traffic accident occurs, remember to pull the vehicle to the side of the road, evacuate all passengers, and immediately call the police.

When driving through scenic mountainous areas or rural regions, it is essential to slow down, drive cautiously, and refrain from using the opposing lane when encountering sharp turns, steep slopes, long downhill sections, or road segments along water bodies or cliffs. When passing through villages, towns, or intersections, pay close attention to vehicles and pedestrians on both sides of the road. As scenic areas are often crowded with vehicles, it is crucial to wait for pedestrians to pass first and park your vehicle in designated areas to ensure safety.