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Notice on The 12th Guangzhou Friendship Games
Published:28 April 2023 Source: Author:IEC

In order to promote the friendship between Chinese and foreign friends in Guangzhou, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Government (Guangzhou FAO) will hold the 12th Guangzhou Friendship Games.

I Time and Venue

Time:20th May to 21st May, 2023 (Sat. & Sun.)

Venue:Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center.

II Application Time

26th Apr, 2023 (Wed.) to 4th May, 2023 (Thurs.)

III Applicants

All registered international students in GDUT.

IV Application Methods

Please download the annex information form to fill in your personal information and submit it to your head teacher. Application Deadline: 12pm, Thursday, 4th May. Overdue application will not be accepted.

Notes: One person could only sign up NO MORE THAN 2 events.

V Events and Rules

1. 五人篮球 Five-a-side Basketball Game:每半时15分钟,中场休息5分钟。每节比赛每队可要求暂停2次,每次30秒。全队每半时犯规6次后罚篮,个人犯规全场累计5次后离场。

2. 七人足球 Seven-a-side Football Game:赛场长25m-42m,宽15m-25m,球门内径高2m,宽3m。每场比赛20分钟,每半场10分钟,中间休息5分钟。必须自备2套比赛服,上场运动员服装与颜色必须统一。第一阶段每队胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分。按全部比赛积分决定小组名次再根据积分排名进入第二阶段淘汰赛。

3. 网球 Tennis Match:采用中国网球协会审定的最新《网球竞赛规则》;

4. 羽毛球 Badminton Match设男单、女单、男子双打,含混双。均采用单淘汰决出奖励名次。执行国家体育总局最新颁布的《羽毛球竞赛规则》;

5. 乒乓球 Table Tennis Competition:设男单,女单,比赛分组循环,小组循环赛胜一场2分,负一场得1分,弃权得0分。每小组前2出线。出线后进行单淘汰赛,直至决出冠亚军及并列第3,第5。运动员需自备球拍等,请勿穿白色服装。每场比赛迟到5分钟者当弃权处理;

6. 保龄球 The Bowling Game:正式比赛前练球30分钟,比赛每人4局,取其中3局最好分数作为个人成绩。比赛必须按时到场,超时10分钟将作弃权处理。

VI Awardings

The top 8 in each events will be awarded.

The competition group will set up "Outstanding Organization Award", "The Best Male/Female athlete Award" in each group events and individual events.

VII Others

Please download the application form in the annex.


International Exchange College

28 April 2023