

> 通知公告 > 正文
Online Application System opens for International Students
发布时间:2019-09-10来源: 作者:IEC

The Online Application System for International Applicants opens today. Applicants can complete the application procedure (including admission, accomodation, airport pick and scholarships etc.) by visiting http://iec.gdut.edu.cn/ or https://apply.gdut.edu.cn/.

Please register first if you don't have an account. Each valid email address can be registered only once.The email address and password you used in registration are the only credentials to enter the system.

User Manual:

1. Visit http://iec.gdut.edu.cn/, click the "Online Application" and then proceed with the application, or visit https://apply.gdut.edu.cn/ and continue with a guideline.For best experience we recommend Google Chrome,360 and FireFox Web Browser.

2. Complete the registration and log in the system, and "Start Applying".

International Student Affairs Office

Mr WU, Ms YE,Tel.:37626172

International Education Center

10 September 2019
