Notice on Registration and Teaching for Intl Students in Autumn 2020
I For 2020 International Economics and Trade Bachelor Degree Program(English-taught)Intl Students
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, September 11-12, 2020
Teaching Period: September 14 ,2020 to January 8, 2021
II For 2020 Computer Science and Technology Bachelor Degree Program(English-taught)Intl Students
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, September 11-12, 2020
Teaching Period: September 14,2020 to January 15, 2021
III For NEW Chinese-taught Degree Programs Intl Students (including Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate etc.)
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, September 11-12, 2020
Teaching Period: September 21, 2020 to January 15, 2021
IV For 2018、2019 International Economics and Trade Bachelor Degree Program(English-taught)Intl Students
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, August 28-29, 2020
Teaching Period: August 31,2020 to January 1, 2021
V For 2019 Computer Science and Technology Bachelor Degree Program(English-taught)Intl Students
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, August 28-29, 2020
Teaching Period: August 31, 2020 to January 1, 2021
VI For Current Chinese-taught Degree Programs Intl Students (including Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate etc.)
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, August 28-29, 2020
Teaching Period: August 31, 2020 to January 15, 2021
VII For Chinese Language Training Programs Intl Students
Registration Time: 9:00-11:30 am, 2:00-5:00 pm, August 28-29, 2020
Teaching Period: September 7,2020 to January 8, 2021
VIII Registration and Office Address
Registration Place: 1st Floor, No.4 Building, Dongfeng Campus, GDUT
Office: Room 721, Library Building, Dongfeng Campus, GDUT
Address: No.729 Dongfeng Dong Road,Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,P.R China
Tel.: 020-37626172,
IX Documents Required for Registration
新生 For New Students
1. 有效护照及签证 Valid passport and visa
2. 电子版录取通知书 Electronic Admission Letter
3. 境外人员临时住宿登记表 Registration Certificate of Temporary Residence for Visitors (if applicable)
4. 报名费和学费等缴费凭证 Voucher of Application fee and Tuition payment
5. 2张护照规格照片 Two passport-size photos
6. 体检报告 Medical Report
7. 国际学生在华保险凭据 Insurance
在校生 For Current Students
1. 有效护照及签证 Valid passport and visa
2. 学费等缴费凭证 Voucher of Tuition payment, Accommodation fee (if applicable)
3. 境外人员临时住宿登记表 Registration Certificate of Temporary Residence for Visitors (if applicable)
4. 国际学生在华保险凭据 Insurance (if applicable)
International Education Center
24 August 2020
Teaching Affairs Office: 86-20-37627482
Intl Student Affairs Office: 86-20-37626172
重要须知 Important Notes
1. 学校可视疫情防控形势调整学生报到注册方式和教学安排等;如有调整,我们将进一步通知。The university may adjust the arrangements of registration and teaching in Autumn 2020 according to COVID-19 situation. In case of any adjustment, we will keep you posted on the status.
2. 学生需按期报到注册,逾期未报到注册,情节严重将取消入学资格。报到注册时,如发现申请材料弄虚作假或体格检查不宜在华学习的,取消入学资格。现在中国境外的学生需及时联系国际学生事务办公室协助完成在线注册。放弃入学资格或申请退学者,同时撤销其学生签证。Students must register within the valid period. Overdue registration may be considered as a waiver of study qualification.After registration, if the intl students’application materials are judged to be a fraud or the result of physical examination shows the student is not eligible for his/her study in China, the admission qualification will be canceled.Intl students not in China should seek assistance to go through online registration by contacting International Student Affairs Office.Abandonment of admission or dropouts,will revoke X visa.
3. 为确保疫情防控期间报到注册有序安全,报到注册请提前联系国际学生事务办公室预约,并备好个人健康码等备查。Due to epidemic,there are limits on the number of onspot reception. Please contact International Student Affairs Office for registration reservation and prepare health QR code etc in advance.
4. 报到注册时,国际学生须出示学费等缴费凭证;出示或现场申办在华保险,保险须有有效期。报到注册材料不全者,不予注册。Students must present the voucher of application fee, tuition payment and other needed documents when registration. Presenting Comprehensive Insurance Card or submitting insurance purchase order on the spot when registration.
5. 因疫情防控,结合部分学生现在境外暂未能返华实际,如暂采取网络教学模式,境内外学生皆需按课堂教学对待参与。Due to COVID-19, some students are now abroad and can not return to China temporarily.If the university adopts online teaching due to the epidemic prevention and control, all intl students in China and abroad must accept to attend the online classes.
6. 疫情防控期间,学校向国际学生提供了全面支持服务,包括但不限于紧急援助、签证安排和免费的汉语言网络培训课程等。学校所有涉国际学生学历和非学历项目收费标准没有变化。The university provided full support and services for intl student during the epidemic,including but not limited to emergency assistance,visa application,free on-line Chinese training courses etc.. The charging policies of all the degree and non-degree programs for intl students remain unchanged.We are not offering tuition discounts.
7. 疫情防控期间,中国境内所有学生皆需严格遵守并配合属地和学校防控措施;违反者,将根据情节轻重予以警告至开除的处分。During the epidemic, intl students in China must strictly obey to the COVID-19 prevention and control measures taken by local governments and GDUT.Any violation against it, he/she will be given disciplinary punishment ranging from warning to expulsion, depending on the severity of case.
8. 通知以中文版本为准,解释权归国际文化教育中心。In case of any inconsistency occurs,the Chinese version of notice shall prevail. International Education Center reserves the right of final interpretation.